Adventures in Foster Care

Before we even thought about adopting Liza we were foster parents. It was hard, messy, chaotic, crazy, fun, and all-in-all worth it. We actually fostered a few kids who aren't even mentioned on this blog because we were fostering before I started it. Some of them we are blessed to know where they are and how they're doing which doesn't happen all the time once the kids move on.

"Little Beauty" from Ohio - Little Beauty is a little girl who was in foster care in Ohio. We wanted to adopt her and these posts tell the story of how we found her, how we fought, and why we weren't able to adopt her.
"Little Beauty" 5-4-08
"Little Beauty" 5-12-08
"Little Beauty" 6-1-08
"Little Beauty" 7-4-08

"The Girls" AKA Mississippi and Skippy - these posts tell the story of our year of fostering two sisters who were, unfortunately, no strangers to foster care. It wasn't always easy but I grew to love them and am so thankful that even though things didn't end well God is good and has given us a chance to renew our relationship and leave the past in the past. M and S have been adopted now by a family in my former church and I am loving watching them grow up via Facebook :)
The Beginning with "The Girls"
"The Girls"
Adjustments with "The Girls"
"The Girls", School, and No Child left Behind
MEME and a Small Update on "The Girls"
Fun Times with "The Girls"
A Little Update On "The Girls": 4-30-09
About "The Girls" Leaving

"The Little Girls" - while fostering "The Girls" we were told about two little girls that needed an adoptive placement and were hoping to be considered for them. These posts tell that story.
How We Heard About "The Little Girls"

Miscellaneous - Just a few posts that deal with foster care issues that foster parents and foster kids deal with and even some that apply to adoption in general. I especially recommend Music and Life: I Wonder for a little perspective on what children who's parents leave them or are addicted may feel and Multiracial, a post I wrote after watching interviews MSNBC did with multiracial families, reading posts written by adoptive mothers on the subject, and remembering my own growing up years in a multiracial family. Questioning Along the Journey was my way of dealing with knowing that in order for my dream to come true there was going to be loss somewhere, for the child and even for the parents that birthed them.
The Joys of Foster Care (the sarcastic version)
Questioning Along the Journey
Music and Life: I Wonder
Silliness While Waiting
Getting Homestudy Ready
P.R.I.D.E Training
A Reply to a "Hater" and Actual Adoption/Foster Care Statistics
Things I Ponder: 6/2/09 The Foster Care Issue
Orphans of God